Vocational Training


Educationist and Training Coordinator
Kwezi Benedict -  Educationist and Training Coordinator 


Background information:


Prutaz Construction & Vocational Training Centre (U) Ltd (PCVTC) was established in 2006 and has been involved in offering on hands skill training programmes in Rwenzori region and beyond its bordering districts.





Offering quality training for competence based awards.


A leading construction company offering on job skills training services to the community.

Objectives of the Training Program

1.      To increase the number of Youth equipped with skills in creating income generating activities in Rwenzori region and beyond for sustainable development.

2.      To curb down the rates of unemployment in the region and reduce poverty levels among the Youth in Rwenzori Region.

3.      To improve on Quality of On Job Training that will impact on Infrastructural and Industrial development in the informal sector.

4.      To have impact on the Social-Economic and improved Standards of the Youth in the region for simultaneous sustainable development.

On Job skills trainings is conducted on sites workshops, saloons in various courses on modular system of training applying training and assessment package hand book designed by senior instructors in consultation with Directorate of Industrial Training – Uganda.

The training duration is scheduled for a period between 6 months to 1 year in construction and other sectors on modular  basis/community demand driven or required skills on the job market like bricklaying, concrete practice, site carpentry, welding & metal fabrication, mechanics, plastering, flooring, tiling & cladding, electrical/solar installation, plumbing & drainage, landscaping etc.

 The program again focuses on the Youth who are disadvantaged, being school drop outs from primary, secondary and even those who have failed to further their education in higher institutions of learning.

More importantly the program targets vulnerable youth such as child Mothers, orphans, disadvantaged Youths heading families.

Contuct Us

Toro Dairy Building,
Plot No. 16B Rukidi III Street,
P.O. Box 81, Fort Portal.

Office: +256 483 422275

Mob:   +256 772 494288

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